World Kindness Day Featured Book

When I got up this morning, I was excited because it is World Kindness Day and I have new picture books to read! I couldn’t wait to read one of my recent purchases,  Find the Kind: The Biggest Day in Kindness History written by Samantha Berger and illustrated by Marina Verola. Because of the title, and Samantha’s big heart, of course I knew I would be reading a book full of love, compassion, and friendship. And look at that cover! I definitely wanted to see more of Marina’s fabulous and fun art through this welcoming community of characters!

As my breakfast was cooking, I started reading the story out loud and instantly felt joy, inspired, and uplifted. A unique, fun, funny search and find book, it’s a story about a family of gnus moving to a new area wondering if they are going to like it there. Think Sesame Street, Little Cindy Lou Who, and all those who believe in the power of kindness. I could also hear Samantha’s voice, full of kindness, humor, and love, reading the words, including such fun play on words! And my eyes were savoring every page with Marina’s lively, colorful, comical, and joyful illustrations. As is the book’s intent, children will want to explore this story through many re-reads to find all the examples of kindness. I have a feeling, too, children will have favorite characters and love following what they are up to on each page. They really are delightful! This story is sure to spark conversations and inspiration about creating a kinder world!

I hope your day has been full of being kind and receiving kindness! It doesn’t cost a thing to be kind, and from my experience, the kinder I am (and sometimes it is not easy!), the better my life is. It brings so much joy and healing to my life! I‘d love to hear what kindnesses you’ve found today or how you show kindness. Feel free to comment below!

Happy World Kindness Day…EVERY day!


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