Celebrating Love & Libraries
For quite some time I’ve been seeing hearts in nature. Lately, it’s been a lot. Like a super lot. And I’m, well, loving it! A few weeks ago, there was a day I saw around 30 hearts in a matter of approximately 3 hours. It was crazy good. And almost felt unreal. I wondered why I was seeing so many in a short time. Going within, the message I got was that there is so much love out there, even in the midst of such heartbreak and fear in the world. It has helped to ground and center me more and to be in Love and Joy as much as possible. One big way I’m in Love and Joy is reading and sharing children’s books, especially picture books. The words, the art, the creativity, the widening of my world - I love it all! Do you ever peruse the endpapers and undies (the book cover underneath the dust jacket)? If you haven’t, take a peek!
I’ve put together 3 carousels of some of my favorite picture books (each cover is clickable for more information) focusing on Love, Valentine’s Day, and Libraries. Did you know that February 14th is not only Valentine’s Day, but also Library Lovers Day?! A special day to celebrate libraries, librarians, and books! Woo Hoo! I hope you find some gems in my recommendations! If you’d like more suggestions, feel free to email me at booksbutterfliesandbeing@gmail.com or you can ask in the comment section.
Wishing you much Joy, Love, and Happy Reading!
These 6 books celebrate Love in various ways. Whether they’re about families’ love for each other, love for your neighborhood and community, or (don’t forget!) yourself, I hope these books fill your heart with love, compassion, and joy!
These 6 books celebrate Valentine’s Day. Some are humorous, some sweet, and some are both! And just look at the cover of Snowy Valentine!
These 6 books celebrate libraries, librarians, and books. If you haven’t already, jump on over to your local library and get a library card! Or visit a Little Free Library in your area! Maybe you have a library of your own at home? Have you ever written or drawn your own book for your home library?