6 Children’s Books for National Fart Day!

Image of 6 children's book covers that highlight farts. The image has the words "Children's Books for FART DAY!"

Yes, it’s true! National Fart Day is a real thing! And every year, it’s celebrated on February 5! I like to giggle about farts any day really. To celebrate the silliness that farts can be, I’ve curated a list of some of my favorite children’s books about farts. I hope they give you the giggles! Who knows, maybe you’ll have a blast! (Tee Hee!)


1. Harvey the Heart Had Too Many Farts

Written & Illustrated by Jane Bexley

Harvey has lots of gas and a challenging time making friends. Can he ever find someone who doesn’t get grossed out by a “bum breeze” or “bum thunder?” Maybe someone who is ok with a “KA-BOOM!” at times? This rhyming, comical picture book with colorful and expressive illustrations is sure to entice giggles!

2. We Toot!
Written by Ashley Wheelock & Arwen Evans & Illustrated by Sandie Sonke

In case it isn’t well known, girls DO fart! And it’s ok! Unfortunately, girls can be taught that it’s something to hide and to be embarrassed about. With expressive illustrations and diverse characters, this funny picture book is not only about toots, it’s also a wonderful story about girl power and body positivity!

3. Toot

Written & Illustrated by Leslie Patricelli

I just love Leslie Patricelli’s board books featuring this adorable baby. I mean, look at that cover! I’ve been quoting this book for almost 11 years. My favorite…”I toot in my suit!” Baby toots lots of places! Does baby’s family toot, too?

4. Toby Tootles

Written by Stephanie Gibeault & Illustrated by Mary Sullivan

Toby was having a super fun birthday party until he passed gas and was made fun of. Toby learns a lot from his “Gassy Grandma” as he works through his discomfort from being made a spectacle of at his party. This hilariously written and illustrated book will bring laughter and perhaps ease around farting. The last line of the story is perfect!

5. EngiNerds

Written by Jarrett Lerner & cover art by Serge Seidlitz

This middle grade novel is the first in a series of stories about farting robots! Where did these robots come from…and what’s all this farting about? Much more than farts, this story is also about friendship, problem solving, and STEM themes! Each book cover in the trilogy is hilarious, too!

6. Farley Farts

Written & Illustrated by Birte Müller

Farley the frog can’t stop farting. Even though his doctor said it was normal and would pass (hee! hee!), his parents are worried about all that gas! To keep from farting, he holds it all in. Not only is he uncomfortable, his tummy becomes bigger and bigger until he floats up in the air like a balloon! How will he come back down to his family? With sweet and silly illustrations, this story reminds us that, often times, we just need to let it out!

For further National Fart Day celebrating!…

KidLit author/illustrator, Jarrett Krosoczka, created a hilarious video back in 2020 that is still quoted in my house - Farting Stick Figures!

If you’d like more book recommendations for National Fart Day (or another theme), just email me at booksbutterfliesandbeing.com!

Feel free to share book recommendations for National Fart Day in the comments below!


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