It Started with…

From the time I was a young girl, I had a joyful, playful spark inside me. That spark is my essence made of love and light. At a young age, I knew I wanted to spend my career working with children—in fact, my dream was to be a teacher. After pursuing that dream in college, it wasn’t until I found myself volunteering at a library that my true joy was discovered. I became a children’s librarian and earned a Masters degree in Library Science. Working at the library for 18 years brought a wealth of knowledge, connections, and community to my world—a gift I am forever grateful for! I am proud of my education and experience, yet I am further proud of my healing journey and all the creativity I’ve discovered within myself and the world around me. I’m in awe of the possibilities that each of us holds inside just by simply BEing. I hope what I share here brings some joy, hope, and laughter to your lives. Be Well!



Children’s Books

Writing Haiku

The Ocean


  • "Kim's sense of being is what is so WONDERFUL about her. She's fun, funny, curious, loves to laugh, tears up at things that move her, and she is in the present moment—with you. Books, Butterflies, & Being is a way to experience her presence and an insight into how to stay in tune with your inner child, connect with your creativity, and appreciate little moments of beauty in nature, art and books!"

    —Meghan Habibzai

  • "Once upon a time, Kim was our magical librarian. Her warmth and colorful story times brought families together to be part of a community. Over the years, Kim's book recommendations have been thoughtful treasures, with characters who understood, cared, and dared. Thank you Kim for continuing to guide and share in your wonderful, starry, peaceful, joyful way!"

    —Jolene MacDonald

  • “Finding this site and working with Kim has brought such inspiration and joy to my life! As a fellow creative and adult, it’s so nice to be assured that childlike wonder of the world is for all and does not have to be outgrown. Books, Butterflies, & Being is my reminder to never take advantage of the power of creativity, the awe of nature, and the beauty of curiosity.”

    —Katelyn Parsons

  • "Being the grandmother of a very small child, I love to tap into the ongoing      conversation about the classics and fresh works. Kim’s generosity in sharing recommendations, while continually introducing new authors & illustrators, presents an opportunity to appreciate the magical content found in children’s books and the humans who create them. Kim personalizes this topic with her beautiful view of the natural world."

    —Sue Lessard

  • “While a superstar librarian, Kim had the superpower of getting to know someone and then finding the right books that would fit just for them. As a person out in the world, Kim is an absolute superstar. She knows her poop!”

    —Pete Heeley

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I adore the community and friendships Instagram has allowed me to create—from some of my favorite authors & illustrators, to fellow creatives, and more. I'd love to connect with you on my page at @booksbutterfliesandbeing!